To hear his enemies talk, you might think Paul Offit is the most hated man in America. A pediatrician in Philadelphia, he is the coinventor of a rotavirus vaccine that could save tens of thousands of lives every year. Yet environmental activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. slams Offit as a "biostitute" who whores for the pharmaceutical industry. Actor Jim Carrey calls him a profiteer and distills the doctor's attitude toward childhood vaccination down to this chilling mantra: "Grab 'em and stab 'em." Recently, Carrey and his (ex) girlfriend, Jenny McCarthy, went on CNN's Larry King Live and singled out Offit's vaccine, RotaTeq, as one of many unnecessary vaccines, all administered, they said, for just one reason: "Greed."
After watching PBS Lifeline tonight, who prior to the series, touted their sponsors...The MacArthur foundation committed to building a more just, verdant, and peaceful world....and the Park foundation committed to raising public awareness...I was hopeful that both sides would be equally explored. I was disgusted, however, when Offit appeared in over half of the one hour series. So much for just, verdant, peace, and public awareness. I suppose it will have to come down to 1 out of every 2 children are diagnosed with autism or a similar health related issue before justice will prevail.
They go on to describe the MMR link to autism and focus on the very very small risk of a reaction when getting a series of vaccines...reactions including permanent brain and nuerological damage, seizures, and in rare cases death. Like Jenny, I would rather subject my child to the measles or chicken pox than to autism or brain damage. If the percentage is so small, as most mainstream pediatricians are claiming, then why are the numbers growing on a daily basis...every 15 seconds a child is diagnosed with autism. Pediatrician's are downplaying those 'rare' reactions, but those real reactions are happening every 15 seconds in part due to the preservatives and live viruses injected in our children. From 5 vaccines in the 60's to 36 today, we are trusting our government to know what is best for our children. These vaccines are filled with toxins: Mercury! Formaldehyde! Aluminum! Antifreeze! 2-Phenoxyethanol! Aborted Fetal Tissue!, and over 17 live bovine disease including Anthrax, Yeast, and Clostridria (common with autistic children) to name a few. Are you kidding me?
Personally for us, it is not just autism...or the MMR. My child had that less than 1 percent reaction after every single vaccine, dismissed by my pediatrician and a first time mother I continued on the schedule. Looking back, I realize it was a trainwreck on his immune system, and the result is an autoimmune disease caused by a series of vaccine reactions...with autistic like symptoms. Stop looking at the MMR or Thimerosol....start looking at all autoimmune diseases, the increase in juvenile diabetes, stroke, altzheimers, ms, is our ultimate demise.
Did it ever occur to anyone that NONE of these scientists have a vaccine injured child? The one's that do are our saviors...our DAN! doctors.
What bothered me the most about this program is the fact that they focused on those that aren't vaccinating at all out of fear vs. those that are vaccinating. What about my child who was fully the measles, got the mumps, got rotavirus, got pertussis and is now superimmune (i.e. overactive autoimmune diease) because his faulty immune system wasn't able to detox the residuals of the vaccines. I vaccinated my child and I got a lovely present of lifetime autoimmunity and autoimmune disease where my son is allergic to everything life offers and practically should live in a bubble. Thank you CDC. These children are never mentioned-the one's who WERE vaccinated and sick because of it.
And if you weren't convinced is a letter from Jay Gordon himself.... From Jay Gordon, MD, FAAP
Shame on PBS Frontline Show "The Vaccine War"
April 28, 2010
Dear ,
Last night, PBS aired a show called "The Vaccine War." I was interviewed at great length and in great depth about vaccines and my point of view and expressed my ambivalence about the polarization of this issue and the need for more calm reasoned discussion about the number one question that new parents have. I told Kate McMahon, the co-producer of the show, that there was a large group of doctors and others who cannot be dismissed with the facile label "anti-vaccine" because we still give vaccines and see a place for them in the practice of medicine, but we do not agree with the current vaccine schedule nor the number of vaccines children receive all at one time.
A few days ago, Ms.McMahon emailed me to tell me that the decision had been made to omit my interview from the show. There would not be one word from me. She didn't tell me that she had also omitted 100% of Dr. Robert Sears' interview. And that any other comments from physicians supporting the parents on the show in their ambivalence about vaccines or their decision to refuse all vaccines would also be omitted.
She left this as a show with many doctors commenting very negatively, very frighteningly and often disdainfully and dismissively about vaccine "hesitation" as they called it.
Below is my email response to Kate McMahon.
Dear Kate,
The "Frontline" show was disgraceful. You didn't even have the courtesy to put my interview or any part of the two hours we spent taping on your web site.
You created a pseudo-documentary with a preconceived set of conclusions: "Irresponsible moms against science" was an easy takeaway from the show.
Did you happen to notice that Vanessa, the child critically ill with pertussis, was not intubated nor on a respirator in the ER? She had nasal "prongs" delivering oxygen. I'm sorry for her parents' anxiety and very happy that she was cured of pertussis. But to use anecdotal reports like this as science is irresponsible and merely served the needs of the doctor you wanted to feature.
No one pursued Dr. Offit's response about becoming rich from the vaccine he invented. He was allowed to slide right by that question without any follow up. Dr. Paul Offit did not go into vaccine research to get rich. He is a scientist motivated by his desire to help children. But his profiting tens of millions of dollars from the creation of this vaccine and the pursuit of sales of this and other vaccines is definitely not what he says it is. His many millions "don't matter" he says. And you let it go.
Jenny McCarthy resumed being a "former Playboy" person and was not acknowledged as a successful author, actress and mother exploring every possible avenue to treating her own son and the children of tens of thousands of other families.
I trusted you by giving you two or three hours of my time for an interview and multiple background discussions. I expressed my heartfelt reservations about both vaccines and the polarizing of this issue into "pro-vaccine" and "anti-vaccine" camps. I told you that there was at least a third "camp." There are many doctors and even more parents who would like a more judicious approach to immunization. Give vaccines later, slower and with an individualized approach as we do in every other area of medicine.
What did you create instead?
"The Vaccine War."
A war. Not a discussion or a disagreement over facts and opinions, but a war. This show was unintelligent, dangerous and completely lacking in the balance that you promised me--and your viewers--when you produced and advertised this piece of biased unscientific journalism. "Tabloid journalism" I believe is the epithet often used. Even a good tabloid journalist could see through the screed you've presented.
You interviewed me, you spent hours with Dr. Robert Sears of the deservedly-illustrious Sears family and you spoke to other doctors who support parents in their desire to find out what went wrong and why it's going wrong and what we might do to prevent this true epidemic.
Not a measles epidemic, not whooping cough. Autism. An epidemic caused by environmental triggers acting on genetic predisposition. The science is there and the evidence of harm is there. Proof will come over the next decade. The National Children's Study will, perhaps by accident, become a prospective look at many children with and without vaccines. But we don't have time to wait for the results of this twenty-one year research study: We know that certain pesticides cause cancer and we know that flame retardants in children's pajamas are dangerous. We are cleaning up our air and water slowly and parents know which paint to buy and which to leave on the shelves when they paint their babies' bedrooms.
The information parents and doctors don't have is contained in the huge question mark about the number of vaccines, the way we vaccinate and the dramatic increase in autism, ADD/ADHD, childhood depression and more. We pretend to have proof of harm or proof of no harm when what we really have is a large series of very important unanswered questions.
In case you were wondering, as I practice pediatrics every day of my career, I base nothing I do on Dr. Wakefield's research or on Jenny McCarthy's opinions. I respect what they both have done and respectfully disagree with them at times. I don't think that Dr. Wakefield's study proved anything except that we need to look harder at his hypothesis. I don't think that Jenny McCarthy has all the answers to treating or preventing autism, but there are tens of thousands of parents who have long needed her strong high-profile voice to draw attention to their families' needs: Most families with autism get inadequate reimbursement for their huge annual expenses and very little respect from the insurance industry, the government or the medical community. Jenny has demanded that a brighter light be shone on their circumstances, their frustration and their needs.
I base everything I do on my reading of CDC and World Health Organization statistics about disease incidence in the United States and elsewhere. I base everything I do on having spent the past thirty years in pediatric practice watching tens of thousands of children get vaccines, not get vaccines and the differences I see.
Vaccines change children.
Most experts would argue that the changes are unequivocally good. My experience and three decades of observation and study tell me otherwise. Vaccines are neither all good--as this biased, miserable PBS treacle would have you believe--nor all bad as the strident anti-vaccine camp argues.
You say the decisions to edit 100% of my interview from your show (and omit my comments from your website) "were purely based on what's best for the show, not personal or political, and the others who didn't make it came from both sides of the vaccine debate." You are not telling the truth. You had a point to prove and removed material from your show which made the narrative balanced. "Distraught, confused moms against important, well-spoken calm doctors" was your narrative with a deep sure voice to, literally, narrate the entire artifice.
You should be ashamed of yourself, Kate. You knew what you put on the air was slanted and you cheated the viewers out of an opportunity for education and information. You cheated me out of hours of time, betrayed my trust and then you wasted an hour of PBS airtime. Shame on you.
The way vaccines are manufactured and administered right now in 2010 makes vaccines and their ingredients part of the group of toxins which have led to a huge increase in childhood diseases including autism. Your show made parents' decisions harder and did nothing except regurgitate old news.
Parents and children deserve far better from PBS.
Jay Gordon, MD, FAAP
Whooping Cough Epidemic That Wasn't
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